融资的英文单词 公司融资英文怎么简称
financing floatation of loan 通过借贷、租赁、集资等方式而使资金得以融合并流通.通过措贷、租赁、集资等方式而得以融合并流通的资金.
1.financing 2.finance 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金.finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给.account bought 代购 货物单
a seller (the exporter) can require the purchaser (an importer) to prepay for goods shipped, the purchaser (importer) may wish to reduce risk by requiring the seller to document.
financing floatation of loan 通过借贷、租赁、集资等方式而使资金得以融合并流通.通过措贷、租赁、集资等方式而得以融合并流通的资金.
1.financing 2.finance 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金.finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给.account bought 代购 货物单
BOT即Build Operate Transfer,是英文单词建设(Build)、经营(Operate)、移交(Transfer)的缩写,即,是政府或相关部门将一个基础设施项目的特许权授予承包商,承包商在特许期内负责项目设计、融资、建设和运营,并通过收取使用费或服务费,回收成本、偿还债务、赚取合理利润,特许期结束后将项目所有权无偿移交政府或相关部门. BOT融资的运作有八个阶段,即项目的确定和拟定、招标、选标、开发、建设、运营和移交.
1.financing 2.finance 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金.finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给.account bought 代购 货物单
ABS :资产支持证券(也叫资产担保证券或资产支撑证券,英文:Asset-backed security)由银行、信用卡公司或者其他信用提供者的贷款协议或者应收帐款作为担保基础.
天使轮通常是第一次融资.额度不会太多,产品处于早期孵化阶段. A轮、B轮通常是第二次、第三次(偶尔会有preA preB这样的). 越往后股权稀释越多,风险少,越早期股权越多但风险也大.
1.financing 2.finance 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金.finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给.account bought 代购 货物单
financing floatation of loan 通过借贷、租赁、集资等方式而使资金得以融合并流通.通过措贷、租赁、集资等方式而得以融合并流通的资金.
a seller (the exporter) can require the purchaser (an importer) to prepay for goods shipped, the purchaser (importer) may wish to reduce risk by requiring the seller to document.
词典释义: 1.financing 2.【经】 equity trading 3.fund-raising 4. bailout 5.accommodate
1.financing 2.finance 3.bailout 4.accommodate 1. financing n. 融资 ,财务,资金.finance n. 财政,财务 2. finance v. 筹措资金,融资 3. bailout 融资 4. accommodate 融资,供给.account bought 代购 货物单
financing floatation of loan 通过借贷、租赁、集资等方式而使资金得以融合并流通.通过措贷、租赁、集资等方式而得以融合并流通的资金.
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