英语愉快的暑假来临了 将要来临的暑假英语作文

金融百科2022-01-11 22:47:55


Summer holiday is coming.I am happy that i can relax myself in my own way. I will . 我想这样不仅能让父母开心同时还对自己有好处.我希望自己能过一个愉快的暑假. 好.

你好!快乐暑假 happy summer vacation

MY PLANS FOR MY SUMMER HOLIDAY I like the summer holidy so much. I look forward to summer holiday every year. Last summer, I went to Shen zhen for my holiday, .

英语愉快的暑假来临了 将要来临的暑假英语作文


My Plan for Summer Holiday I have arranged my schedule of his summer holiday. First of all, i will relax myself and take a trip to somewhere beautiful. Beijing is our capital so .

The summer holiday is coming.I want to have a rest in two months.Maybe sleep longer than before and watch films are good ways.But I can't forget to read some books and .

My Summer Holiday I went to the countryside to spend my summer holidays this year.I . with their lessons.The children were interested in English.They were good at reading .


i spent this summer vacation in quite a different way. i used to run about every day in . 我在以前的暑假习惯每天去跑步,但是这个暑假我几乎没有能力去做.我将要在高中.

亲,你好This is my the first members of the volunteer organization, and it is also one of the first batch ofvolunteers who receive badges. The heart-shaped poster also have my photos, but for some reasonI temporarily left the organization, so now I want to know whether the organization has welcomed meback. 祝您生活愉快

带走 take away 英 [teik wei]美 [tek we] 剥夺;拿开;减去;使停止


My summer vacation life was very fantastic and meaningful. I did my homework every day . I also played table tennis and basketball with my friends every day. I sometimes .

1.i will go to library to learn more knoweledge.2.i will go to see my greedparents on every weekend.3.i will have a trip to hainan with my parents.4.i will do my homework in the morning everyday.5.i will hold a party with my friends to have fun.

i spent fifteen days helping my grandparents doing farm work in the countryside, . they could read write wellthey could hardly understand simple english. so every day in the .


the coming

Summer Vacation is Coming 楼上说的用短语没错,不过这个题目本意不能变,the coming summer holiday意思是“即将来临的暑假”.

plan my summer vacation I today very happy, because I will arrange my summer vacation!Summer: what should I do?First, the first written assignments. After finishing the .

TAG: 英语   暑假   愉快