从家到学校的作文100字 从家到学校沿途风景作文
it is 1 km from my house to our school, we usually go to school on foot , it takes us nearly 10minutes to get to school , and first i walk along the tongji road, and then turn right .
英语作文从家到学校:On the way to school, I always leave my apartment at 6:30 and walk to the nearest bus stop. I sit on the bus for 20 minutes and then get off at the bus .
i am starting from home, first through a supermarket, in the south have been walking in a department store before turning, cross the road, the last 10 minutes walk to the school
早上七点钟起床,打开电脑开始动手做一个PPT课件,老师的要求是不少于一百页.. 静静地看着校园的景观,和城市的高楼. 这时已经是暮秋了,在这样的一个午后,阳.
在上学的路上 早晨,我起来走向阳台.还没等我跨进阳台的门,就迎面扑来恶劣新鲜. 因为他们共同拥有一颗年轻的心.不知不觉中,我走到学校外的小菜市场.这经常有.
我的校园是一个美丽的校园,我们在这里成长和玩耍.度过了很多时光,走进校门口. 再往前走,左侧是一块大大的铁板,铁板上还写着我们的校树和校花还有我们学校的.
在上学的路上 早晨,我起来走向阳台.还没等我跨进阳台的门,就迎面扑来恶劣新鲜. 不知不觉中,我走到学校外的小菜市场.这经常有人挑着菜来卖.这些人多么聪明呀.
英语作文从家到学校:On the way to school, I always leave my apartment at 6:30 and walk to the nearest bus stop. I sit on the bus for 20 minutes and then get off at the bus .
My home was lied in 2nd road.Start from my house, pass a park,and then you will find a bank, besides that there is a restaurant,go along this road, and then turn left, you will find a shop, go down this street, you will reach our school.
解: 4.5千米每小时=75米每分 6千米每小时=100米每分 设 这个学生从家到学校的距离是s米 s÷75-8=s÷100+4 (s除以75为他以4.5千米每小时的速度到达学校所须的时间,减去8就是他不迟到也不早到刚好的时间;s除以100为他以6千米每小时的速度到达学校所须的时间,加上4就是他不迟到也不早到刚好的时间.) 解方程:s÷75-8=s÷100+4 300*(s÷75-8)=300*(s÷100+4 ) 4s—8*300=3s+4*300 4s—3s=4*300+8*300 s=(4+8)*300 s=12*300 s=3600 答:这个学生从家到学校的距离是3600米.
英语作文从家到学校:On the way to school, I always leave my apartment at 6:30 and walk to the nearest bus stop. I sit on the bus for 20 minutes and then get off at the bus .
我们的学校是一个环境优美而典雅的学校,它虽然不算太大,但是如同花园一样美丽.每一位学生,都深深的爱着它,喜欢它. 清晨,同学们伴着太阳公公来到学校,开始.
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