you deserved什么意思 you are my loser
you deserved什么意思
you deserved it你应该得到它you deserved it你应该得到它
you are a loser 你是一个失败者 双语对照 例句:I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like "I always knew that you are a loser!""My mama was right; I should have never married you!""You care only about yourself!" 我明白有些时候人们可能会一时头脑发热,说出类似,“我就知道你什么事也做不成!”“我妈是对的;我绝对不应该嫁给你!”“你只顾你自己!
you are my loser
you are a loser 你是一个失败者 双语对照 例句:I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like "I always knew that you are a loser!""My mama was right; I should have never married you!""You care only about yourself!" 我明白有些时候人们可能会一时头脑发热,说出类似,“我就知道你什么事也做不成!”“我妈是对的;我绝对不应该嫁给你!”“你只顾你自己!
你好!现贴出来吧!不好请见谅!You are my loverThe woman who like rosesFire with fire then you lipsLet me at midnight in endless ecstasy You are my loverThe same as .
you are loser i win
you are a loser 你是一个失败者 双语对照 例句:I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like "I always knew that you are a loser!""My mama was right; I should have never married you!""You care only about yourself!" 我明白有些时候人们可能会一时头脑发热,说出类似,“我就知道你什么事也做不成!”“我妈是对的;我绝对不应该嫁给你!”“你只顾你自己!
失败者在不同的条件下用不同的说法.如:you are alsoran. 你是失败者.表示落选失败you are failure. 你是失败者.表示无能力导致破产等失败.You are loser. 你是失败者.表示丢失东西,案件败诉等失败You are underdog. 你是失败者.表示受压迫者, 受迫害者的失败
看大家翻译totally loser 的:totally一般用作副词,副词是用来修饰形容词的.不能修饰名字loser.所以应该用total,和它相近的词有complate,utter 可以说:total loser/failure utter/complate failure biggest loser 最大的输家/失败者
you are loser语法错误
you are a loser 你是一个失败者 双语对照 例句:I know that sometimes anyone can get a little hot-headed and say something like "I always knew that you are a loser!""My mama was right; I should have never married you!""You care only about yourself!" 我明白有些时候人们可能会一时头脑发热,说出类似,“我就知道你什么事也做不成!”“我妈是对的;我绝对不应该嫁给你!”“你只顾你自己!
语法上没有错误.只是更加口语化,但二者在语义上是有区别的,你可以体会一下:你这loser 和 你是个loser.他们也会说 We people(我们这些人).
两个都不对.解析如下:1、lose 加上 r 后,原句变为:You are loser. 仍然不对.因为 loser 是名词,需要添加冠词即:You are a loser. 或者 You are the loser.2、You are .
you are lose
you are lost你迷路了you are lost你迷路了
Feelings - Maroon 5 You and me and all that wild你和我 所有的野性Losing my collar . 看着她 哦And you say that it's not right你说这不对But where does he think you are .
lost without you who? lost without you 没有你我不知所措 (who谁 )? 因为没有你,我迷失了自己i'm lost without youlost without you 翻译-->>1.)没有你我不知所措2.)因为没有你,我迷失了自己满意请采纳,谢谢
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