越来越少英语 越来越多的高级表达
"越来越少"的英文:fewer and fewer、less and less 由于less and less修饰不可数名词,因此修饰松鼠时要用fewer and fewer. Now there are fewer and fewer squirrels. 现在松鼠越来越少了. 短语解析: fewer and fewer 英文发音:[ˈfjuːə ənd ˈfjuːə] 中文释义:越来越少;越来越少的 例句: Some parents even complain that they have fewer and fewer time chatting with their children. 一些家长甚至在抱怨他们和孩子谈话的时间越来越少了. 词.
fewer and fewer 要接可数名词 不可数 用 less and less (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
less and less 例句 两口子在一起的时间似乎越来越少. The couple seem to spend less and less time together
人山人海 熙熙攘攘 门庭若市 摩肩接踵 人声鼎沸 摩肩接踵 茫茫人海 人烟稠密 人满为患 门庭若市 过江之鲫 络绎不绝 摩肩接踵 挥汗如雨
蒸蒸日上 、欣欣向荣 、 百尺竿头、更进一步、如日中升. 1、蒸蒸日上 上升、兴盛的样子.一天比一天上升发展.形容事业一天天向上发展. 2、欣欣向荣 形容草木生长旺盛;荣:茂盛.形容草木长得茂盛.比喻事业蓬勃发展,兴旺昌盛. 3、百尺竿头 桅杆或杂技长竿的顶端.比喻极高的官位和功名,或学问、事业有很高的成就. 4、更进一步 在原来的基础上再向前一步,可引申为程度加深、幅度加大等意思. 5、如日中升 好象太阳正在天顶..
1、俗话说得好:树挪死,人挪活.在现代激烈竞争社会,铁饭碗不复存在,一个人很少可能在同一个单位终其一生.所以多交一些朋友很有必要.祝你工作顺利! 2、带上信心,携着开心,第一天上班心情舒心;保持快乐,. 7、心里常常在想,被幸福包围真好,心里常常期待,别众多美女骚扰,心里常常有梦,财运越来越好,好朋友,祝你事业有成,吉星高照! 8、人生的好处在追求中体现,在奋斗中闪光,只有不懈追求经历奋斗的艰苦,才会拥.
Nowadays, the species and numbers of wild animals are on the decrease. Their food is being contaminated and their habitat is being destroyed. Every kind of human being's production activity has seriously threated their survival. s existence and development will be threated. Therefore, let's start from now and protect the wild animals together. Do not catch and kill wild animals capriciously and do not eat their meet. To protect wild animal is to protect .
Wild animals on the planet will be less and less the number of
Nowadays,the number of wild animals are getting decreased rapidly. The primary reason is wild animals' habitats are being destroyed by human civilization. Since 19 century, people have extended their influences on more and more habitats of wild animals. Birds, wolfs, tigers and many other animals living in wild place are threatened. The other reason that results in wild animal decrease is people driven by profit like to kill wild animals. For example, for the .
"越来越少"的英文:fewer and fewer、less and less 由于less and less修饰不可数名词,因此修饰松鼠时要用fewer and fewer. Now there are fewer and fewer squirrels. 现在松鼠越来越少了. 短语解析: fewer and fewer 英文发音:[ˈfjuːə ənd ˈfjuːə] 中文释义:越来越少;越来越少的 例句: Some parents even complain that they have fewer and fewer time chatting with their children. 一些家长甚至在抱怨他们和孩子谈话的时间越来越少了. 词.
less and less
1 Start learning English when, feel that English is more difficult than before, almost no . 5 Their help enabled me to make great progress, now become more and more .
fewer and fewer 要接可数名词 不可数 用 less and less (*^__^*) 嘻嘻……
"越来越少"的英文:fewer and fewer、less and less 由于less and less修饰不可数名词,因此修饰松鼠时要用fewer and fewer. Now there are fewer and fewer squirrels. 现在松鼠越来越少了. 短语解析: fewer and fewer 英文发音:[ˈfjuːə ənd ˈfjuːə] 中文释义:越来越少;越来越少的 例句: Some parents even complain that they have fewer and fewer time chatting with their children. 一些家长甚至在抱怨他们和孩子谈话的时间越来越少了. 词.
越来越多increasingly more and more 越来越少 less and less on the decrease 其实好多单词的比较在句子意思当中可以翻译成越来越多(少)比如下边的常用的网络释义 越来越少知识Less And Less Knowledge 但喜欢越来越少But Enjoy It Less 行人越来越少Pedestrians Less And Less 变得越来越少get fewer and fewer 守军越来越少Shoujun Less And Less 继续越来越少Successively Smaller 越来越少 越来越少immer weniger 却越来越少But More .
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