如果有十亿怎么花英语作文 有钱怎么花英语作文

理财攻略2021-11-30 07:30:34


If I had money, I'll take part give me most close relatives and make them happy and carefree of over the 70s.Another part of the proceeds to impoverished areas of poor .

if i have enough money,i will travel for seven days.the fitst day,i will go to beijing.because beijing is the capital city of china.first,i will go to tian'anmen square.and then,i will go .


如果有十亿怎么花英语作文 有钱怎么花英语作文


How spend money

If I had money, I'll take part give me most close relatives and make them happy and carefree of over the 70s.Another part of the proceeds to impoverished areas of poor .

If i have a lot of money ,I'll 左花花,右花花!!!


在现代社会中,消费能力是人的生存能力的重要组成部分,是当代每个人所必备的基. 对于少年儿童来说,学会合理地消费,其意义不仅在于如何花钱本身,其中包蕴了多.

会花钱和乱花钱是两个概念.乱花钱是指开支没有什么计划,随心所欲,不管有不有用,图一时兴起,往往后悔不已.会花钱是指花钱有计划,开支基本合理,所花都是必须的.有时候说会花钱还指一分钱办成两分钱的事. 因此,要养成会花钱的习惯,可以从以下方面来努力.一是每次领到钱后,给自己制定一个开支计划,哪些是该花的,哪些是不该花的,哪些可花可不花,哪些是必须花的,哪些可以先花,哪些可以以后再花.二是做好开支记录.这其实很简单,在电脑上做个简单的收支明细帐,每天钱花在哪些方面了,到晚上记录一下,可以分大类,比如:吃、穿、住、行、医、玩、其它等,到了月底计算一个各类开支的比例,然后再提出下个月的合理安排计划.





How Would You Like to Help Others Helping those who are in need of help is not only doing others favour, but also a way to improve ourselves. Then, how should we help .


这不是初2新枝点的麽..if i become a millionaire, i feel very happy, excited and satisfied. i never have seen so much money before. i will tell my family and friends this .

If I were a millionaire,I would take use of 50% of moneyand donate 50%of it. Many people would buy a house or travel the world. As for me, I would start a school. If I had a .

if i were a millionaire, 如果我是百万富翁 if i were a millionaire,i would take use of 50% of moneyand donate 50%of it. many people would buy a house or travel the world. as .

TAG: 英语   有钱