过去的十年里 过去的十年历英语
小题1:Great changes have taken place in China in the past ten years./There have . and vocabulary from time to time. 小题1:在过去的十年里in/during the past ten years和.
1. People's lives have changed a lot in the last ten years.People's life has changed a lot in the last ten years.2. There have been a lot of changes in people's lives/life.a lot of也可以换写成many等.
再回首毕业已十年 班长给我发来短信:“明天就是我们毕业后,进入第十个年头了. 十年,一点泪流,一点感受. 过去的十年里也曾经奋斗过,努力过,但每次获得阶段.
过去的几十年当中 Over the past few decades.
How to say that in the past ten years ————————————————— 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢.——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!
in the past ten years
time 倍 1. 9年来这家公司的规模扩大了一倍. The company doubled its size in nine years. 2. 这比那个大一倍.(注意:as large again as是…的两倍,比…大一倍) It is as.
翻译如下:在过去的几十年里 in the past few decades 例句:然而在过去的几十年里,引入新的植物药的数量却明显减少了.however, in the past few decades, the number of newly-introduced drugshas obviously decreased.
在过去的几年里,我们的城市发生了很大的变化Great changes have taken place in our city in he past few years有不会的可以再问我
1/ that box is too heavy for him to lift it./ that box is so heavy that he can't lift it/ that box is very heavy, so he can't lift it. 2. it is an interesting thing to play computer. to play .
in the past ten years
翻译如下:在过去的几十年里 in the past few decades 例句:然而在过去的几十年里,引入新的植物药的数量却明显减少了.however, in the past few decades, the number of newly-introduced drugshas obviously decreased.
一月到12月 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1号到31号: 1st first 2nd second 3rd third 4th fourth 5th fifth 6th .
the sun and the moon just rise and set every day without any change,so it should come as no surprise.
年历 词目:年历 拼音:niánlì 英文:calendar 基本解释 [calendar] 一种单张印刷品,按月印有一年内各月份的日期、星期、节气等 详细解释 记载年月日的历本. 《南史·隐逸传下·陶弘景》:“帝使造年历,至己巳岁而加朱点,实 太清 三年也.”《通典·职官八》:“ 后汉 太史令掌天时星历,凡岁将终,奏新年历.” 唐 元稹 《长庆历》:“年历复年历,卷尽悲且惜.历日何足悲,但悲年运易.”如:年历卡.
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