过去几年用英语怎么说 在过去的几年里 英语

理财攻略2021-12-08 08:17:39


in the past few years 希望对你有帮助

in the past或者last few years

“在过去的五年里”的意思是:in(在) the (定冠词)past(过去的) five (五)years (年,复数).in the past five years.

过去几年用英语怎么说 在过去的几年里 英语

在过去的几年里 英语

in the past或者last few years

“在过去的五年里”的意思是:in(在) the (定冠词)past(过去的) five (五)years (年,复数).in the past five years.

1/ that box is too heavy for him to lift it./ that box is so heavy that he can't lift it/ that box is very heavy, so he can't lift it. 2. it is an interesting thing to play computer. to play .


Think of over

怀念过去 The memory of the past

可以翻译成:In memory of the past还有其它说法miss the old days 怀念过去的日子Nostalgia 怀念过去undue absoption in the past 过分地怀念过去


a past ten years ago

10年应该翻译成10 years ago.10 years earlier也是10年前,强调的是更早一些.

展开全部10 times that of 10 years ago.

在过去的几十年里 英语

in the past ten years

过去的几十年当中 Over the past few decades.

How to say that in the past ten years ————————————————— 您好,用心、细心为您答疑解惑;如果本题还有什么不明白可以追问,如果满意请记得采纳;如果有其他问题请采纳本题后,请指向我的图像点击向我求助!答题不易,请谅解,谢谢.——————————————————————————————————祝您生活愉快!

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