我有一个好消息英文 我有个好消息要告诉你

省钱技巧2022-08-20 00:55:07


I'd like to tell you some good news.

No.235 huawei street Changan town Guangdong China Dear Lily , How time flied ! . i spared some time to play basketbal . Ok , i will tell you more than things to you next .

The Fox and the Crow A Fox once saw a Crow fly off with a piece of cheese in its . 狐狸和乌鸦 一次,一个狐狸看到一只乌鸦嘴里衔着一块奶酪飞过并停在了树枝上.“那是.

我有一个好消息英文 我有个好消息要告诉你


I am very happy to share several pieces of news with you. I am very glad to enjoy a few pieces of news with you.

some pieces of good news

当然后者了 把some换成a你读一遍应该就能知道了


“八月十八潮,壮观天下无”,每年的农历八月十八,是钱塘江观潮的最好时节.. 如果觉得现场领取比较麻烦,那么有个好消息要告诉你:现在可以申领电子观潮通行证.

i have some good news to you

这个没什么真假,其实就是合约机 用户承诺一个最低的,保底消费,然后签订一个协. 那么办理这个合约机其实并不实惠 需要每个月多消费很多话费


Jion,jion in,take

参加 [简明汉英词典] join attend take part in assist attend be in for

用新学的词语造句 make sentences with the new words.这样翻译最简.new word新词,本身包含新学的意思. make sentences with the words just learnt.用过去分词作定语.


No.235 huawei street Changan town Guangdong China Dear Lily , How time flied ! How is your everything going ? Did you have a good time on holiday ? I'm glad to tell you .

鸟儿,我想对你说,今天我读了你历尽千辛万苦去寻找朋友树的故事后,非常感动! 因为你曾答应朋友树春天再来时,你一定回来给树唱歌,所以,当原野上、森林里的雪.


TAG: 好消息   告诉你   英文