一个好消息的英文怎么写 好消息还是坏消息的英文

信用卡攻略2022-06-24 06:38:14


Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for reading my email, and I am so glad to write to you so that you can know more about our products. I knew that yesterday you have decided to .


a piece of good news news 是不可数

一个好消息的英文怎么写 好消息还是坏消息的英文



是消息!! —— 评析《别了,“不列颠尼亚”》新华社记者周树春等四人于1997年7月1日从香港发出一篇关于香港回归祖国的重要消息,报道了查尔斯王子代表英国接回.

亲爱的约翰, 当我听说你沉迷于电脑游戏时,我十分着急. 虽然电脑游戏被普遍认为. 多锻炼身体以强壮自己,或者参加一些社交活动来开拓你的视野. 期待你的好消息! .


i am too sad to tell you

不要告诉他这个消息.英语怎样说 dont' tell him about this news.



Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for reading my email, and I am so glad to write to you so that you can know more about our products. I knew that yesterday you have decided to .

today.早上好,很荣幸有这个面试的机会,希望我今天的表现能让大家满意. I'm zhangming and I am 26 years old. I come from Beijing, and .

在英文语境中,更大程度上是超越朋友的喜爱和欣赏,但多不用于情侣,感情色彩比“I love you”弱. “我喜欢你”英语的写法是“I like you”,发音是[ aɪ laɪk juː] .在英文语.


M: If we both meet, can I hold your hand? Female: can ah? M: I'll send you a bouquet of roses when I meet. Female: I will be very happy. M: I'll act out later to love you well, okay?.

Stephane: Hi, Jones! It's a long time since I saw you last time. How is everything with . Stephane: Hi, Kitty. I've often heard about you. You are an expert in marketing! 你好,.

你说的是根据关键词写对话吗?那就可以是:Hello sir, can I ask question for you? Of course you can. Have you seen a man in black shirt came into the restaurant which has.

TAG: 英文   好消息   坏消息