业余工作英语 业余工作英语翻译
do part-time job
My Hobby My hobby is watching movies,especially western ones. After a long day and tiring study, i would isolate myself from the outer world, immersed in the movie world. .
Whenever we have more free time, our classrnutes will be busy recommending part-. More and more students would like to work after class and their chances of getting a job .
part-time jobs 兼职,业余工作 Those children whom parents encourage to take part-time jobs will possess more confidence.那些被父母鼓励去从事兼职工作的孩子会拥有更多的自信.
A part-time job is a form of employment that carries fewer hours per week than a full-time job.
work,task,job 这组词都有“工作”的意思,其区别是:work 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动.task 通常指分派给的任务.
been built
My Spare Time I'm always busy doing all kinds of things.From Monday to Friday ,I have to study at school.So I have my spare time only on weekends.I like playing computer .
dear min, in your last letter, you asked what i used to do during my part time, well, i like all kinds of sports,as an old going says:life lies in the movement.sports is good for .
Because I spent most time on doing homework, so my spare time is my best part of a day. My spare time is always interesting and wonderful. I spend most of my spare time .
part-time job兼职 part-time duty personnel兼职 Part-timer 兼职人员 He is in an anomalous position as the only part-time worker in the firm.他与众不同,是公司里唯一的兼职人员.They hire a large number of part-timers by the day at the store.那家商店以日薪雇用了大批的兼职人员.
a part-time job 短语:找到一份兼职工作get a part time job;find a part-time job 找一份兼职工作find a part-time job 做一份兼职工作get a part-time job 有一份兼职工作have a .
"part time job"
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